Assembly Written Question 21046/17-22

To ask the Minister for Infrastructure for an update on progress on the York Street Interchange Project.
Answer: As part of the NDNA agreement the Executive has committed to drive the delivery of essential infrastructure projects, including the York Street Interchange. I am committed to the delivery of this scheme but I want to be satisfied that the full package of improvements is the right fit for the future of our city and that we can maximise the benefits this project can deliver for our economy, environment and importantly the local community.
In March this year I announced the outcome of a short sharp review of the York Street Interchange Project, accepting in full its six recommendations. As a result of these I have asked for some further work to be carried out, particularly around place making and to maximise ambition in terms of what can be delivered for communities, connectivity and the wider living places agenda.
This work will also take into account the further development of the Bolder Vision for Belfast to reimagine how the city will look and feel in the future. This work is currently underway and I have asked the consultants to report on this in the autumn of 2021 at which time I will consider the next steps for the scheme.