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Assembly Written Question 14851/17-22

Question: To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail the number of installations under the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme that have seen enforcement action to date, broken down by (i) the type of installation; and (ii) the area of non-compliance.

Answer: To date, 91 installations have been subject to enforcement action under the Non Domestic RHI Scheme. (i) The total is made up of: 2x 25kW solid biomass boilers; 1x 32kW solid biomass boiler; 1x 35kW solid biomass boiler; 1x 36kW solid biomass boiler; 2x 40kW solid biomass boilers; 1x 43kW solid biomass boiler; 1x 49kW solid biomass boiler; 1x 80kW solid biomass boiler; 1x 94kW solid biomass boiler; 17x 95kW solid biomass boilers; 54x 99kW solid biomass boilers; 2x 198kW solid biomass boilers; and 7x 199 kW solid biomass boilers. (ii) Enforcement activity has been taken under the following regulations (installations with multiple non compliances appear more than once):

Generating heat for the predominant purpose of increasing support payments – Breach of Regulation 33(p) – 24 installations;

Failure to supply information required by the Department for effective administration of the Scheme – Breach of Regulations 33(q) and 35 – 12 installations;

Failure to demonstrate that the installation meets Scheme eligibility criteria - Breach of Regulations 15(1)(a) and/or 4(1), 33(e) – 12 installations;

Failure to provide evidence that heat produced is for an eligible purpose and failure to notify that information provided in support of accreditation was incorrect - Breach of Regulations 33(o), 33(d) – 20 installations;

Failure to provide accurate information in support of accreditation – Breach of Regulation 22(2) – 9 installations; 

Failure to correctly install and maintain heat metering equipment – Breach of Regulation 20(1), 34(1) – 4 installations; 

Failure to notify where there has been a change in circumstances which may affect eligibility – Breach of Regulation 33(k) – 5 installations; 

Requirement to supply weekly meter readings to allow closer analysis of heat use on site - Regulation 33(f), 34(2)(a) – 20 installations; and

Requirement for amendment to an incorrect payment due to an IT error – 1 installation.


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