Dickson Welcomes Report Highlighting Covid-19 Experiences of Older People

East Antrim Alliance MLA, Stewart Dickson, has welcomed a report compiled by AgeNI, highlighting the experience of older people living through Covid-19 in Northern Ireland.
Mr Dickson commented: “The report, ‘Lived Experience, Voices of Older People on the COVID-19 Pandemic’, draws from comments, feedback and experiences of older people across Northern Ireland over the past six months.
“As we know, older people are particularly vulnerable to severe Covid-19 infection, and thus had to shield for a number of months. This highlighted in particular issues with loneliness and isolation, as well as the need to provide services that ensured everyone was well cared for and supplied with necessities. We must continue to focus on these going forward.
“I hope that people reading this Report will get a much deeper understanding of the challenges facing older people in our society, many of which existing prior to Covid-19. I thank AgeNI for their work in compiling it, as well as the organisation’s engagement with the Assembly to make the lives of older people in Northern Ireland better.
Mr Dickson concluded: “I commend AgeNI for this report. They are perfectly placed to gather the views of the older and more vulnerable among us. Moreover they provide everything from health and care support; communication and connection; alleviation of loneliness and isolation; help in dealing with loss, bereavement and grief.”