Dickson Delighted at Success of Inaugural Northern Ireland Youth Assembly Meeting

East Antrim Alliance MLA, Stewart Dickson, was delighted to hear of the success of the inaugural meeting of the first Youth Assembly for Northern Ireland held last week.
Mr Dickson said: “On Friday, 90 young people came together virtually for the first sitting of the newly formed Assembly.
“The aim of the Assembly is to encourage young people to get involved in local politics in a safe environment where they can meet to discuss and debate the issues of the day. From all accounts, it sounds as though the initial meeting was a huge success.”
Mr Dickson concluded by saying: “Young people may not have the right to vote but they certainly have opinions, and as a society, we can all benefit from hearing them, and valuing the contributions the next generation has to offer.”
It is envisaged that the Youth Assembly will have two plenary sittings a year and have up to four Committees, which will meet more regularly.
For more information on the Northern Ireland Youth Assembly, visit: www.niyouthassembly.org