Christmas Merchandising Programme in Carrick!

Over the last few years in the run up to the Christmas period, a lot of local shops have worked with Mags from Creating Retail Magic to give her creative input into merchandising and decorating shop fronts. This Programme comes in two Parts. Today is your last chance to sign to this Programme.
Part 1: On Tuesday 8 November, there will be a 1-hour retail support masterclass in 'Creative Christmas concepts & Visual Merchandising for your Business. This will be held in
Dobbins Inn from 6.30 -7.30pm
This year it is great that we can have the masterclass in person, as you will be given the chance to ask questions specific to your business.
Part 2: In addition to the Masterclass there will be an opportunity to receive 1-1 mentoring at your business with Mags, if you would like help with decorating your shop window, visual merchandising in store etc. The 1-1 mentoring is limited to numbers and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. You will receive a date for the 1-1 mentoring either on;
- Sunday 20 November
- Monday 21 November
- Tuesday 22 November
Please only register for this end of the programme if you are available on those dates for your 1-1 session.
If you are interested in signing up to this programme, can you please let know what part of the programme you would like to take part in by close of play today. You are more than welcome to put your business down for both.