Assembly Written Question 9678/17-22

Question: To ask the Minister for the Economy to detail (i) the legislation required to be progressed by her Department for the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland; and (ii) the specific constraints on progress for each.
Answer: My Department is progressing six Statutory Rules that are required for the implementation of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, concerning: the carriage of dangerous goods and use of transportable pressure equipment; biocidal products; biocides / classification, labelling and packaging; equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres; priority dispatch of renewable generators and transposition of priority Single Electricity Market related aspects of the Electricity Directive. The main constraint for each is the limited time available until the end of the Transition Period.
Further Protocol related legislation will be progressed by my Department after the Transition Period. Greater clarity on the interpretation and outworkings of the Protocol and the UK/EU negotiations is required to inform the full scope of potential legislative requirements.