Assembly Written Question 16274/17-22

To ask the Minister of Finance why hospitality businesses paying domestic rates have not been able to avail of a rates holiday; and whether he will consider extending the rates holiday to such businesses.
Answer: I introduced the business rates holiday to provide relief for business ratepayers, including those in the hospitality sector, to assist them in managing the impact of the pandemic. Small hospitality businesses that operate from domestic premises are not commercially rated and, therefore, are cannot avail of business rate reliefs; hospitality businesses which pay business rates are eligible. I have no plans to extend this relief.
In recognition of the financial pressures being faced by domestic ratepayers at this difficult time, I introduced a freeze on the domestic Regional Rate for the 2020/21 rating year, and I have announced my plan to freeze the Regional Rate again for 2021/22.
My Department also provides a range of support measures for those who may be struggling to pay their domestic rates. Details of the support available is provided at: