Dickson Welcomes Major Capital Investment for Schools, Saying: “It is About Time”

East Antrim Alliance MLA, Stewart Dickson, has said it is: “It is about time that the Education Minister has finally realised just how desperately major capital investment is needed in the Schools’ Estate.
“Today the Minister announced approximately £800 million will be invested into new school building projects, refurbishments, and smaller scale school improvements.
“I’m relieved that the Minister has finally realised that for a first class educational experience for our young people, investment is essential”.
Mr Dickson said: “In particular, I am glad to see a number of schools in East Antrim on the list of schools to benefit from this package. From personal experience of visiting these schools – and having long advocated for greater financial support for them – I know today’s announcement will be gratefully received.
“However, with such a large allocation of money, I am surprised more schools have not been included.
“Moreover, previous announcements have been followed by months – if not years – of tumbleweeds. Before getting off my soapbox on this issue, I would like a guarantee from the Minister that the money exists and the buildings and refurbishments will be delivered”.