Dickson Dismayed as Average Household Energy Bills Predicted to Cost £4,200+ Annually in Jan 2023
East Antrim Alliance MLA and Party Economy Spokesperson, Stewart Dickson, has voiced his dismay following the latest energy bill forecast published by Cornwall Insight. The consultancy firm has estimated that average household energy bills could skyrocket to £4,266 annually in January 2023. This equates to a rise of 235% in 12 months.
Mr Dickson said: “Put quite simply, we cannot afford these eye-watering bills. Families are already struggling, and this dire warning has added considerable stress to already financially-stretched households.
“Shamefully, the Tory government have rejected pleas to act before the new Prime Minister has been determined. However, the reality in Northern Ireland, is that even if the UK government were to act decisively, the DUP’s decision to paralyse the Assembly would block swift delivery of any available support.
“I would go as far as to say, that at this stage, the DUP are actively aiding and abetting the cost of living crisis.”
Mr Dickson continued: “Unfortunately, devising a comprehensive strategy to combat this crisis is the responsibility of an apathetic UK government. However, there are short-term levers that Stormont could pull to fire-fight in the immediate present, if it was functioning properly.
“For instance, we could introduce a social tariff as proposed by the House of Commons Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy Committee. In essence, this would amount to a below-market cost tariff for low-income households grappling with fuel poverty. For middle-income households, there could be a relative social tariff that would regulate prices – charging more per unit, the more energy used (with necessary adaptions and exemptions where special circumstances exist).
“In the longer-term, we need to be looking at the development of a national energy efficiency scheme to reduce the amount of energy needed in the first place. Something the Economy Minister doesn’t appear to be prioritising.
“Countless experts have highlighted the benefits – both economic and environmental – of proper insulation.
“Though expensive and time-consuming, we should be undertaking thermal imaging surveys on a street-by-street basis. With the support of local councils, such surveys could determine where greater insulation is needed, and how associated costs can be met. Banks could potentially offer low-cost long-term energy efficiency loans, whilst the Executive could meet the cost for public buildings and low-income households.”
Mr Dickson concluded: “We are faced with mounting problems. To tackle them head on, we need to be making tough decisions. That is why politicians are elected in the first place.”
“Whilst the Tory Party are preoccupied with a drama of their own making, and the DUP have their ‘out-of-office’ on, the Alliance Party are coming forward with solutions.”